Another Magix-User?
Wow. Perfect noise, perfect drums, chilling but interesting enough not to let me fall asleep. Thank you for this piece.
Another Magix-User?
Wow. Perfect noise, perfect drums, chilling but interesting enough not to let me fall asleep. Thank you for this piece.
Sadly not, I am an Acid user... :p
The TZDV part was funny, I don't think it sounds like shit. Still love your style and for my ears both the speech samples were placed correctly. Maybe it ends too sudden.
danka, thanks for the review man,truely, i should of added a more ending end, good idear sir.
Love your drums
Starts average to fuck my brain after few seconds. Really great composing. I would have fun in remixing this one.
Thank you. If you want to remix it, have at it man!
I love this little goa touch overall your songs, delicious braindrain. The others are right, you could add some hihats oder rides to make sound more fresh, but... you also could let it be like it is. The bassdrum is maybe i little bit too loud, a bassier one that is more felt than heard would made the ten points for me. Anyways, fived, faved, downloaded.
Thanks man. Perhaps it was a little generous of you to give me a 9. I have learnt a lot since writing my older songs and now I find a lot of them a little embarrassing to be honest. I think you're totally right, it needs a little bulking.
Thanks for listening and for taking the time to review,
Deadly chills, like slow goa. I don't know what to praise, I love every little noise in it and where it's put.
Thanks man, I don't think minimal gets much support on here so it's nice to get some positive feedback once and a while.
Much appreciated, James
Deliciously disturbing
Made me think of the way music was used in The Shining, bringing up your pulse and breath, slowly, hypnotising, near to the point where you would turn it off - to stop. I'm sitting here, bathed in perspiration and shivering. Great.
Oh dear, well I hear botox is a miracle cure for that sort of thing...
I'm really pleased you felt the fear I was trying to recreate in this piece. Some people are so numb when listening to music and it's always good to hear from those that actually get something out of it.
Thanks for the review Teddybeere.
Harsh! Splatter splatter and soldiers marching through brains and guts. Someome's knocking on the door, but noone answers it after sundown... Love the gunshots, the track really puts me into the szene and it works well as a loop. Let's wait for somebody making a zombieonslaughtgame. The next one uploading a game or flash including zombies has to use this song.
Man i would love to hear this in a flash game or movie!!! Glad you enjoyed this piece even though its an old track people still like it :)
Zombie survival. The night has just begone, everyone is nervous with his hands on the gun...
Thats pretty much bang on, though in my head it was demons that took over the city but zombies work just as good :)
Zero zero zero zero...
The office spaces are very wonderful for the office spaces... when I sat alone in my desk... that I was very lonely... More from P.N.F. please.
Don't you worry, more P.N.F. will be getting uploaded ;)
Reminds me of Die in Progress... I love the slow vanishing of the darkness, cosying you along to start again with unexpected vehemence... Useful for any zombie game, or maybe a breakout from an unknown cell in a madhouse...
Im not familiar with this Die In Progress...ill have to check them out :) Yea this would go well in a horror movie or game. One say i would like that to be my job.
Joined on 10/27/07